Sunday, 27 April 2014

Spirit-Inspired Devotion

Sunday 27th, April 2014.
Pastor John Udofa (Ph. D)
Spirit-Inspired Devotion

·                     Don’t be dogmatic in your doing, it is not mandatory, or there is no law that says that you must do your devotion in the morning before you leave the home

·                     Fine, you can pray and commit your way to God for leading and direction, but not that it is compulsory to do devotion in the morning.

·                     Devotion needs a relax mind and time, as such you must create a time and most especially that is convenient, so as to really get the message and understand what the Holy Spirit teaches you.

·                   Before you study the word of God, it’s important that you pray first that the Holy Spirit to guide you, teach you on what you want to read.

How Do You Study The Bible

·                     Reading to get understanding of what the word of God says

·                     The first, thing you want to seek first is the understanding of what the word of God is saying.

·                     You might require more than one version of the bible to really get the understanding of the word you are reading.

·                     Some bible comes with references, which relates the verse you are reading with other verses of the scripture.

·                     The second thing is the application of what you read to your own life

What Does it Mean to Meditate

·                     Meditating is having a continuous and deep thought of God’s word, serious contemplation.

·                     The purpose of meditating on the word of God is basically allowing the word of God to sink, and have tap roots in you, so that it can settle in your (your spirit)

·                     So that when you need that word, you can remember the word of God that is already, inside your spirit.

Living Righteously

·                     Living according to the standard of God according to his word.

What is Christian Service
·                   God has not saved us to be bench warmers in the church, but that we do work for God in the church of God.

Make sure you are always say your prayers our, always talk; don’t keep it to yourself in your mind.

Don’t just shake your body or move your body, but always say your prayers out.

Don’t ever lose your focus when you are praying, let your prayer be coordinated.

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