Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Go and Stand Before Kings - Part 2

Yesterday, we said that the first thing that you must do, or that must happen to you if you must stand before kings, or become the words of the king is that you must have an encounter with God. Today we'll continue with two more things which must happen to you if you must stand before kings.
2. You must experience a challenge
I was reading some words from an author and he said "success is not complete without failure", which says to me you can’t be there except there are challenges. Show me a true great man that has not experience any challenge, I guess you found non; in fact one of the criteria for success is examination, until you have taken one exam you can’t be promoted to the next level, the truth of the matter is that even those people who fail in life has also taken an examination. Really success is not cheap.

Joseph - (Gen 40:1 CEV)  While Joseph was in prison, both the king's personal servant and his chief cook made the king angry. So he had them thrown into the same prison with Joseph.  4.  They spent a long time in prison, and Potiphar, the official in charge of the palace guard, made Joseph their servant.

Daniel - Dan 1:1-2 CEV (1)  In the third year that Jehoiakim was king of Judah, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia attacked Jerusalem. (2)  The Lord let Nebuchadnezzar capture Jehoiakim and take away some of the things used in God's temple. And when the king returned to Babylonia, he put these things in the temple of his own god.

Joseph was kept in prison for what he knew nothing about. Sincerely a lot of great people like Nelson Mandela didn't just become what they are by chance, they went through serious challenges of life.

3. You must be observant
Long time ago my brother told me that anywhere he gets to as a student on campus, the first thing he does is to read the notice board. That is exactly what am talking about! be observant!, do you know that information well used results into human transformation, a lot of people are just doing their own thing, just going one way not minding what’s happening in their immediate environment, some don’t even collect fliers when they are walking along the street, some go to their Facebook page only to post pictures and update their profile, not even looking at other things around their page (the adverts for instance), some even go to parties without looking out for specific things (like who the compare was, what’s the trend in styles etc.) all am saying is be observant, information can give you what you need!. What kings want is information that will benefit them, and you can only get that if you are observant.

Joseph - Gen 40:6 CEV (6)  The next morning, when Joseph went to see the men, he could tell they were upset,..

Joseph was very observant and that's why he could his in-mates had a problem and that lead to others things. We will talk about it tomorrow.

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